The journey...

The journey...

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Prayer

The final project was the wire sculpture. We were given as much wire as we needed to make any kind of wire sculpture that had to involve motion and emotion. The concept incorporated actual mass vs. Implied mass.  I thought that it turned out well! I have a strong faith and the idea came to me pretty easy. I enjoyed doing this project and even made a little side project...

We started out playing with pipe cleaners to create out designs then went to the actual wire. The pipe cleaners were a little bit more of a challenge because they weren't as sturdy but got a good feel of what the actual project was going to look like! Here is a picture of the pipe cleaner version...

Then I went on to making the actual project! this was a little bit more difficult to create then to come up with the idea because shortly I found out wire kind of hurts your hands! After I worked with it, and re-worked with it I love the way it turned out!

Above is the first time I did it, then re worked it, made it stronger by re-doing one of the hands and also made the cross better with actual mass and making it larger. I think that the cross looks a lot better the second time I did it! It has actual mass as well as implied mass and I think that gives it a great effect!!! Here is my artist statement!...

1 comment:

  1. Kristy, I love the Prayer, and also your artist statement about it, very thoughtful and intuitive!
