The other artist I find very interesting is Andy Goldsworthy. His art is different because he makes up beautiful pieces of art and makes it out of random things he finds in nature or notices patters and makes into amazing sculptures. At stone hill sculpture museum in NY a lot of his work was displayed and I found it to be amazing! here are some photos of his work...
Van Goah's Starry Night inspired me for my Tree project. I did the idea with the stars and the sky with metallic and tried to make the patter look like it was moving. I ended up cutting up the top of the cardboard, but it still looked cool at the beginning!
The other artist who inspired me is my 2nd cousion Mona. She is an artist from Brooklyn and does a lot to do with prayer and religion in her work. My idea came to me originally but when I was looking at her Facebook artist page, I started to get more ideas
Rodain was my original artist that I thought about. I have been to this sculpture garden a couple times in Paris. He was my first artist that came to mind and that inspired me.
Other Artists I found for Inspiration were Karen Wimsey, who had the Newspaper Sculpture made out of a flower.
and Simon Shurburt, who made a house out of paper and folding!
Kristy, I am so thrilled that you were inspired to make The Prayer, and it inspires me too!!!